Avian influenza (birds flu) is a very dangerous and rapidly spreading viral disease that causes huge losses not only to small poultry keepers, but also to the poultry sector as a whole. It harms the export development of poultry and poultry products. Upon detection of an outbreak of influenza, all birds kept on the farm must be destroyed.
Signs of avian influenza: birds stop eating and drinking, have difficulty in breathing, the swelling of the head and neck occurs, bruising of the skin and mucous membranes happens. Avian influenza is transmitted by indirect contact with the excrement of infected birds, especially faeces. Also through contaminated feed, water, inventory, clothing, footwear or other items.
It is essential to ensure that unauthorized access to farms is not allowed to unauthorized persons, vehicles, wild birds, and that the farm area is regularly maintained and disinfected. Disinfection of all incoming vehicles must be ensured before entering the farm area. Buildings and premises where feed is stored must be permanently disinfected and all hygiene standards must be observed.
Our product BS Quatril Extra is a virucidal, fungicidal and bactericidal disinfectant. Neutral concentrated and very widely used detergent. The BS Chemical team will provide a complete solution for avian influenza prevention on farms. From disinfection of buildings to staff hygiene.
With us, no bird will suffer